Thursday, August 5, 2010

PowerPoint or PowerPointless

The best items that I saw during the PowerPoint presentations were the continues use of excellent pictures and video that applied to the content, I also liked the use of music, all of this would have been wasted on cluttered slides, but most of the presentations had very clean easy to read slides. I enjoyed the slides that just had a few words and then the presenter elaborated on the rest of the information.
There were a few presentations that were fairly difficult to sit through, despite everything that every article in the required reading said they still had a metric butt-load of words on each slide, many without pictures, and even a few with clip art. These slides were painful, but not nearly as much as when the presenter read the same slides to me.
After seeing all of the other presentations I would make a concerted effort to limit the words on each of my slides to the very minimum. I would try to find pictures that were captivating and helped illustrate what I was talking about, not become what I was talking about.
I really like using PowerPoint as a presenter it provides visual and audio props all on one platform, it makes it easy for me to outline my talk for a natural flow. PowerPoint also allows me to create notes for students on a separate piece of paper. The drawback of using technology in the classroom is firmly centered around one Mr. Murphy and his first law "if it can go wrong, it will go wrong". If we get into a position where we rely solely on technology for our lesson then we risk the loss of a lesson with the failure of that technology.

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